Sunday, October 31, 2010

Word Wall Concentration Game for Week 11...

Concentration Game

Try this Concentration Game as an added activity to help your 1st grade students become more successful with their weekly word wall words.  Just print out a copy for each student in your classroom and have them cut the cards apart, image and word together, to have a set of cards to play with.  Each student should have 8 cards in total.  It is played the same as the traditional concentration game is played.  Players combine their concentration cards together and place them face down on a table or the group rug and take turns turning over two cards to find a match.  If a player finds a match, they may go again until they turn over two cards that are not a match.  The player with the most matches wins the game!! 

**Note: You must model the correct way to play the game for your students to ensure that they are getting the full educational value out of the game.  For example,  I have my students spell the words as they turn over the matching set.  They may not keep it if they cannot tell their partner what the word is or if they cannot spell the word.

"1st" Blog Post

Welcome to my first "1st Grade Blog" post!!!  For some time, I have "blogged" as a form of expression and in hopes of keeping a family journal.  I love doing it and it allows me to reflect on my life, which is never a bad thing!!!  But....I've have wanted to start a "school/teacher" blog also in hopes of sharing ideas with other teachers.  Teaching is a wonderful profession that gets at times, a bad wrap!  If you are a teacher that teaches because you are passionate about the education of children and you want to get ideas from other passionate teachers, then you are in the right place!!!  Only positive comments about teaching will be represented here! In fact, my goal is to share ideas and activities...not ideological views on teaching!  The best way to teach children is from your heart...and my heart has been in it since I was in the 1st grade!!!  Thank you Mrs. Palmer for fostering the desire in me!!!


S.U.M.M.E.R.!!!!!!!!!!! :)